Category Archives: Senza Categoria

(Italiano) Lago Maggiore

Baveno-Feriolo Open Tour

Service available from July 1st up to August 31st 2023, every day, except Monday.

33 seats Open minibus

A tour that connects:

  • Baveno : Piazza IV novembre – imbarcadero
  • FerioloTourist Info Point in front of Chiesa di San Carlo

Departures times:

Baveno 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30
Feriolo 19:15 19:45 20:15 20:45 21:15 21:45 22:15 23:00


Round trips tickets:
  • 6 euros: full rate
  • 4 euros: reduced fare (kids up to 5 years old, person with disability)
One way tickets:
  • 4 euros: full rate
  • 2,50 euros: reduced fare (kids up to 5 years old, person with disability)


  • Full tour time: around 30 minutes
  • Tickets can be purchased on board or online
  • Tickets are personal and non-transferable
  • No booking required
Click and find out our depliant with everything you need to know!


Mobile:+39 351 9119927 (During available services day) –

(Italiano) Scuole Bergamo

Are you a teacher looking for a new adventure for you students?

Are you planning a school trip in the city of Bergamo? Would you like to give your students the possibility to admire the city from a new perspective?


City Red Bus, leader company in the transport field, offers the possibility to discover the story, the art and the secrets of the beautiful city of Bergamo from a modern electric minibus or a street train. You will see the most important monuments, churches, squares and the breath-taking view from the Venetian walls. During the entire tour you’ll be accompanied by the multilanguage audio guide that will guide you to the discovery of all the places for which Bergamo is famous in Italy and in the world.

Minibus Tour 100% electric

Tour of the upper town during which you’ll have the possibility to see all the most important landmarks such as Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and discover the beautiful view over Bergamo Bassa (modern part of the city) from the Venetian walls. The minibus is equipped with a multilanguage audioguide that will describe the city with curiosities and insights.

Train Tour

The tour starts with a focus on Bergamo Bassa (the down town) driving through all the most important cultural landmarks such as monuments, churches and squares. It’s a great solution to reach the upper town (Città Alta) learning about the history of the city thanks to the equipped multilanguage audioguide.


Exclusive Prices for school groups:

6 €  Minibus Tour

6 €  Train Tour

10 € Both tours

The prices are for both students and teachers. Every 15 students 1 teacher is free.

In addition, thanks to some collaborations with different institutions, the tour can be enriched with other didactic activities such as:

  • Visit to all or some of the 6 locations of the museum “Museo delle Storie di Bergamo”
  • Guided visits in cooperation with official guides of Bergamo
  • Visits and didactic workshops in cooperation with Orto Botanico Lorenzo Rota

For info and reservation call +39 366 9027171 or + 39 366 6161319, or send an email to

(Italiano) Variazioni BOLOGNA CITY TOUR 18-21-22-29 Maggio

                                             BOLOGNA CITY TOURS

On the occasion of the anniversary of the procession of Our Madonna of San Luca, the days of Saturday 21 and Sunday 29 May our services may under go hourly changes compared to the tables indicated.

Sunday, May 22 at the sports event “StraBologna” all our service will be suspended in the morning and will resume regularly in the early afternoon from 14.00.

We will be regularly active every other day with our service:

  • City Red Bus, the bus that gives you the opportunity to discover the city of Bologna from a new perspective. The service is active every day, tickets can be purchased online or directly on board. Ticket with daily validity.
    For more information on City Red Bus schedules and fares click here:
  • San Luca Express, the train that connects the center of Bologna to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca, a pilgrimage destination not only for the Bolognese devotees but also for pilgrims coming from the region and in general from all over the country. The service is active every day starting from Piazza Maggiore, tickets can be purchased online or directly on board. Ticket with daily validity.
    For more information on the timetable and rates of the San Luca Express train click here:
  • City Bo Express, the train active on the weekend that, starting from Piazza Nettuno, will take you to discover the pedestrian area of the city of Bologna between hidden views and unexpected corners.
    For more information on schedules and fares of the City Bo Express train click here:







INFO: 366 61319



  • City Red Bus“: panoramic one-hour tour starting from piazza Maggiore and starting from the historic center to the slopes of the hills of Bologna;
  • Bologna Inside“: line aboard an electric minibus, little and equipped with accommodation for disabled people, which offers a suggestive itinerary through the streets of the Jewish ghetto in the heart of Bologna, to discover unexpected views of the ancient Bolognese canals;
  • San Luca Express“: line carried out with characteristic train with terminus from piazza Maggiore and direct to the Sanctuary of San Luca;
  • City Bo Express“: an electric train takes you through the pedestrian center of Bologna to discover hidden corners of the city.


Siamo attivi anche a  FERRARA!


La città di Ferrara rappresenta una delle mete artistiche più importanti del nord Italia: gli storici monumenti, uniti al Castello Estense ed all’imperdibile Palazzo dei Diamanti, conferiscono notevole fascino e valore artistico al capoluogo estense.

Negli ultimi anni, la città sta prendendo piena coscienza delle sue potenzialità artistico culturali, sia sul panorama nazionale che internazionale, ed il crescente afflusso di turisti italiani e stranieri che la scelgono come meta, altro non è che un’istantanea di questo percorso intrapreso da tempo

Noi intendiamo contribuire alla valorizzazione di questo territorio proponendo il nostro tour con un simpatico trenino con accompagneremo alla scoperta delle bellezze di Ferrara cittadini e turisti che, grazie ad un audio guida in 6 lingue (italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, russo)  riceveranno alcuni approfondimenti su storia, leggende, monumenti e curiosità.

Servizio attivo tutti i sabati, le domeniche e i Festivi 

Punto di partenza deI tour: Corso Martiri della Libertà 26, di fronte la Cattedrale



  1.  Castello – Corso Martiri della Libertà 26
  2.  Fermata Tper Kennedy (Piazza Travaglio e parcheggio auto centro storico)
  3. Palazzo dei Diamanti – Piazza Massari

PERCORSO ROSSO –  MINIBUS 100% elettrico

  1.  Castello – Corso Martiri della Libertà 26
  2.  Fermata Palazzo Schifanoia
  3. Museo Archeologico
  4. Basilica di S.Giorgio


  • Raggiungi le maggiori attrazioni della città comodamente seduto
  • Scopri la storia di Ferrara grazie alla nostra audio guida in 6 lingue(italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo e russo)
  • Varie corse durante la giornata
  • Conserva il biglietto e otterrai uno sconto sulle altre linee City Red Bus
  • Durata tour completo 35-40 minuti
  • Modalità Hop on Hop off: si può scendere e risalire 1 volta durante il tour. Una volta scesi, la risalita è possibile solo in presenza di posti liberi.
PREZZI un Itinerario a scelta (tra blu o rosso)

8 euro: Tariffa intera – adulti

–  6 euro: Ridotto bambini dai 6 ai 10 anni/ persona disabile e suo accompagnatore (a testa)/ scolaresche

–  3 euro: Ridotto bambini fino a 5 anni

PREZZI due itinerari

13 euro: Tariffa intera – adulti

–  9 euro: Ridotto bambini dai 6 ai 10 anni/ persona disabile e suo accompagnatore (a testa)/ scolaresche

–  3 euro: Ridotto bambini fino a 5 anni

Biglietti acquistabili a bordo prima di salire oppure online.

I biglietti sono personali e non cedibili.

Non è richiesta la prenotazione.


Per scoprire gli altri tour tematici su Ferrara  CLICCA QUI